In the first years of planting when rubber trees are still small, the rubber garden in our area is often caused damage too much by weed. Please tell me how to limit their effects?
Nguyen Huu Nam
and some of farmers in Bu GiaMap (Binh Phuoc)
Answer: In addition to the common pests such as pow dery mildew, striped-ulcer on the tapping surface, pink fungus, defoliation causing yellowed disease... weed is also a pest causing much costly in money and labor of rubber tree planter in the first years when rubber trees’ canopies are not yet contiguous.
To restrict the harmful effects of weed on the rubber garden, besides cleanly gathering weeds before making land; must carefully plough to bury weed seed, gather all the bulbs and rhizomes of weed under the soil, regular weeding around the foot or making a band along the tree row ; planting legumes such as Kudzu to cover soil, intercropping beans, vegetables, secondary crops... when the canopies of young rubber trees are not yet contiguous, using herbicide is an indispensable measure
As you have known, currently in the market there are many products to eleminate weed on upland crops. However, according to experience of rubber tree planters in Tay Ninh, Dong Nai, Binh Phuoc to eliminate weed in rubber garden, the following products are efficient
1-Pesle 276SL: A post-emergence herbicide, eliminate since weeds are newly grown, at young stage until weed matured
Product has a contact effect, after being exposed with product, stem and leaf of weed will be burnt and dead very quickly. Being a non-selective herbicide, can eliminate all in groups of grass, Ecleocharis sp, grass, sedge, broadleaf weeds
As for dosage, you can dilute 80-120ml /16- liter tank. After diluting product, evenly and damply spray on the weed canopy when weed is young
2-Lyphoxim 41SL: A post-emergence herbicide, eliminating weed since weed grew with leaf until it matured. Herbicide with systemic effect, penetrate into weed through leaf and green parts of the plant. When being in the plant, product is transferred to all parts of the weed, causing bulbs and rizhomes rotten. Product with non-selective action, eliminating most the perennial and annual weeds that grew leaf, especially high and last efficiency for group of grass weeds of which rhizome under soil such as Imperata cynlindrica, Cynolon dactylon, Panicum respens, reeds. Product makes weed die thoroughly, can not be regenerated
Dose of use: If killing Imperata cylindrica, using 4.0 to 6.0 liters / ha ( i.e mixing 160-200 ml / 16- liter tank, spraying 2.5-3.0 tanks /1.000m
2. If killing Panicum repens, Cynolon dactylon, using 2.5-3.0 liters / ha ( i.e mixing 100-120 ml /16- liter water tank, spraying 2.5-3 tanks/1.000m
2. To kill other weeds, use 1.5-2.0 liters / ha ( i.e 60-80 ml / 16- liter water tank, spraying 2.5 tanks/1.000 m
When using product, you should note: only spray herbicide upon rubber tree at seedling stage, trunk bark has become browned over 0.5 m apart from the ground .You must mix product with clean water, avoid spraying when the soil is too dry, evenly and damply spray weed leaf, spray when weed is growing vigorously, green leaf, no showing flower, do not spray when old weed turned yellowed, flowered weed
When spraying two herbicides above, make sure you lower the nozzle, absolutely do not let product spread and stick on leaf of rubber tree or rubber tree trunk with young bark .
Nguyen Danh Van