: 14
: 222
: 1,601
: 4,220
: 3,111
: 106,197
: 96,107
: 1,054,016


Price: $0
* Name of active ingredients :
Quizalofop - P- Ethyl
(Aryloxyphenoxypropionate group )
* Characteristics :
Sagoza 5 EC is selective, internal absorption herbicide,
effective eradication of  narrow leaf weed
( grass and sedge wedge weeds )  belonging 
to  the family annual and perennial grass weeds that have grown leaves
(weed  has 3-5 leaves) on broadleaf crops such as beans soy, peanuts,
green beans, potatoes, cassava, tomatoes, cotton, tamarind ...
-Sagoza 5 EC is quickly absorbed into the stems  and  weed leaves,
transporting  in xylem and phloem and accumulating  in  meristem,
inhibiting the formation of fatty acids, it is  so fast effective in killing weeds
 (weeds  die 5-7 days after product spray),
- Sagoza 5 EC  under toxicity  group 3, oral LD 50 1182-1210 mg / kg, 
safety for broadleaf plants and  environment
- P.H.I: not determine due to application  from the beginning.of crop*USE

Soy bean , pea nut , mung bean  , sesame , tomatoes , potato , cotton , cassava and other  beans/ peas
After sowing  , place  cuttings  8-15  days ( weeds at 3 - 5 leaves ) 0,8 - 1,2 litre/ha.
Dilute 40 - 60 ml/
 16 litre-water tank . High dose is applied  for late spray.
*Note:Tokillbroadleaf weeds:
-Onbean plants(soybeans and mung beans): adding25mlof Sagosafen250SLherbicide/16liter- water tank .
-OnCassava(manioc) 35-40days old: adding 30mlof Sagosafen250SLherbicide,
spray with nozzle close to  weeds  between  two rows of cassava
-Mixture  can  make young  bud  leaves  of cassava, beans   black dots ,
 it  will recover  after  7-10 days  and develop normally  
-Water volume  for  spray per  hais320liters, the soil must be damped enough when spraying
- Product spray makes  weed leaves wet evenly . Do not use to control weeds for  narrow leaf crops such as  rice, corn , sugar cane
- Product  is quickly  absorbed through stems and weed leaves, after 1 hour spray if it rains, product remains effective.

Price: $0
Price: $0
Price: $0