Echinochloa sp, Cyperus difformis, Fimbristylis miliacea, Ludwigia octovalvis, Marsilea quadrifolia , Monochoria vaginalis etc… |
8 - 14 days after sowing, transplanting |
0.8 litre/Ha. Dilute 40ml/16- litre-water tank . |
15 – 20 days |
1.0 litre/Ha. Dilute 50ml/16- litre-water tank . |
Leptochochloa sp |
8 - 12 days after sowing, transplanting |
1.0 litre/Ha. Dilute 50ml/16- litre-water tank . |
For getting high effectiveness to control weed, farmers should pay attention
Discharge water in the field about 1 hour before spraying , let weeds expose out of the water surface. After spraying 1 - 2 days, irrigate water into the field and keep the water level about half the height of the rice plant for 3-5 consecutive days.
If after discharging water from the field, there are many places with water pool, it should combine with one of the following herbicides: Huyet Rong 10WP, Beron 10WP, Zico 720DD, Zico 600 SL or Zico 550 DD. Dose of above products is reduced by 1/3 in comparison with instructions marked on the packaging.
The field has a lot of Leptochchloa sp, early Spray 8 - 12 days after sowing ( weed from 2 to under 4 leaves).
The field has a lot of migratory thrips or BPH , it is necessary to combine with Bascide 50EC or Golden Dragon 585 EC, after mixing we should spray immediately, not leave the mixture overnight .
At the thick growing of rice, it is noted to spray carefully, to put nozzle close to weed for product contacting the weed leaf
In cold weather, weed control is less effective. Not to spray when the land is dry, cracked, or temperature is under 16
OC (at this temperature, the rice plant and the weed stop growing). In the cold weather 18 -20
oC ( spring –summer season in the North) . It is required to raise the doses 5-10 ml per tank against the standard doses
Spray product in the hot dry weather, but the field must be damped enough, it is necessary to well spray so that the weed leaf can be well-damped
Towards upland rice, direct-seeded rice, within the duration from 8-24 days after sowing, if the land is dry, please wait for heavy rain which makes the land damp enough (the land leave a lot of footstep signs when stepping on ); it is the time to spray. If spraying late, it should be raised doses