: 9
: 355
: 311
: 355
: 2,592
: 82,338
: 99,526
: 1,155,845


Price: $0
* Name of active ingredient :
Fomesafen (Group  of Diphenyl ether)
*Characteristics :
- Product in  liquid  form , pale yellow , characteristic odor  not forming white milk when mixing in water,
containing 250g of active ingredient .
- Sagosafen 250SL  is  a contact herbicide , quickly rapid absorption through the leaves and roots into xylem ,
if it  rains  after spray 1 hour  , product   still  has effectiveness  ,  good eradication on group  of broadlleaf weeds(  1-4 leaves  )
 and  narrow leaf weeds ( grass and sedge weeds )   about grown  and   grown  phases  ( soybeans ) ,
 green peas , cassava, cotton , fruit trees , rubber   such as  Amaranthus  spinosus  , Ageratum  conyzoides ,
Blumea lacera, wild  eggplant ,wild tomato , Urena lobata , Sida acuta  Burm , Abutilon indicum , Smooth rattlebox ,
Echinochloa sp , Eleusine indica , Digitaria ciliaris . Weeds  affected  product will turn yellow , dry and die  1-3 days later
- Product  under  toxicity  group III , oral LD 50 1250-2000 mg / kg
- P.H.I : 30 days prior to harvest .
* Use :

Crop Timing application Dose
Soy bean and other ones Bean after sowing  8 - 14  days  ( weeds  have 2-4 leaves ) 0,5 - 0,6 litre/ha.
Dilute 25 - 30 ml/bình 16-litre-water tank  , if it sprays late  , dose rate  must be high .
Cassava Cassava  after  planting  35 - 40 days  for controlling broadleaved weed. 0,6 litre/ha.
Dilute  30 ml/ 16 litre-water tank , put nozzle  close to the  ground  between  two rows of cassava

- Increase the effectiveness  of  controlling  broadleaf weeds  on cassava ,
we should add 60-70 ml Sagoza 5EC herbicide /16- liter water tank.
- Spray  product  to make  weed blades  wet  evenly  on  enough  damped  soil.
Do not spray on  too dry  soil . Water volume  for  spray  per  ha is 320 liters.
- After 1 hour spray if it rains, product remains effective.
- Young  bud  leaves  of cassava, beans  may  get  yellowish  black dots ,  
it  will recover  after  7-10 days  and develop normally  , does not affect the yield and harvest time.
Price: $0
Price: $0
Price: $0
Price: $0