(Nov 12, 2014)
The herbicides for crops , especially rice plant of Saigon Plant Protection Joint Stock Company , has long been known by a large number of farmers as the product is highly effective , safe for plant , the environment and users. Thus, over the years, Company has provided market with a large quantity of herbicides with different kinds , especially Korean products such as Pyanchor 3 EC, Pyan-plus 5.8EC and Star 10 WP.
Being aware of one’s responsibilities before a numerous beloved farmers and customers those have trusted and supported in using or trading in company’s products , SaiGon Plant Protection Joint Stock Company during the course of production and sale of pesticides, always trying to invest , learn, find new active ingredients, more perfect, more efficient, safer.
With the desire to have an excellent product to eliminate many weeds including obstinate ones such as Leptochloa sp , Echinochloa sp but it must be safe for rice plant , the environment and users
Saigon Plant Protection Joint Stock Company has actively collaborated with LG Life Sciences Korea Company in study of blending a new herbicidal compound and has been tested over the years in many different ecological zones in which includes the rice area of Mekong River Delta. The results obtained show that compound has fully met technically posed requirements , has allowed us to introduce to beloved farmers and dealers a new herbicide for rice field . It's Pyanchor gold 8.5EC.
The strength of Pyanchor gold 8.5EC is:
-There are 02 herbicides in a product, eliminating most of weeds in the rice field that are under groups of grass weeds , broadleaved weeds and sedge weeds , especially cleanly eliminating Leptochloa sp and Echinochloa sp
-Very safe for rice plant , yellowed rice does not occurs even overlapped spray
- Broadspectrum in weed control , spraying for seeded rice in the 7-15 days period, Echinochloa is equivalent to have 2-5 leaves .
- Usage dose of 0.8 -1 L / ha, (ie diluting 40-50ml / 16 -liter- water tank , spray 02 tanks per 1000m2 . Due to very high elimination in Leptochloa sp and Echinochloa sp , so it can use Pyanchor gold 8.5EC at usage dose 1.2 L / ha to respray the sites where weeds left by previously sprayed pre-emergence herbicide
Let weeds die well , farmers should pay attention to perform the following requirements:
- Due to internal adsorption through weeds’ leaves , it should drain off water in the field so that product is more exposed to the stems and leaves of weeds . After spray 1-3 days , irrigate field about 2/3 the height of rice plant and retain water constantly as many days as possible, 4-5 days at least
-There is a lot of weeds in the rice field , or the places with densely grown rice that cover weeds , it should brush nozzle carefully , overlapping is free from care because product is very safe for rice plant
After spray about 5 -6 hrs , if the rain occurs doesn’t respray , it remains effective
-On the days of hot weather, the air is dry, it should spray in the early morning or cool late afternoon during the windless time , spray slowly , spray weeds’ leaves wet evenly .
Please note, farmers should carefully read the instructions on the product packaging to apply.
Wish all farmer producing a bumper Winter-Spring rice crop, getting a high price.
MSc Ky Van Ngot