(Nov 12, 2014)
Pyanchor 5 EC , herbicide product , is used to control weeds in the rice field , is produced by
LG Life Sciences Korea Company and Saigon Plant Protection Joint Stock Company is an exclusive distributor in Vietnam and Cambodia.
In addition Pyanchor 3EC has been believed and used by many farmers , in the upcoming 2014-2015 Winter-Spring crop Saigon Plant Protection Joint Stock Company in collaboration with LG Korea Company to market Pyanchor 5EC with high content of active ingredients , stable quality, thoroughly controlling weed, very safe for rice plant , the environment and users .
Pyanchor 5 EC has similar highlights with Pyanchor 3EC : they are
-Control several weeds such as Echinochloa sp , Leptochloa sp, Ischaemum rugosum , Cyperus difformis ,Fimbristylis maliacea , Eleocharis sp , Marsilea quadrifolia , Monochoria vaginalis , Sphenoclea zeylanica. Eclipta alba ,Rotala indica , Ludwigia adscendens , Ludwigia octovalvis … for the rice field
-Very convenient , can be mixed with pesticides, hoppericide such as Bascide, Schezgold, Sagometro or other herbicides such as Star 10 WP, Beron 10 WP, Zico 720 SL. .
- Product is quick internal absorption through weeds’ leaves after spray 5 -6 hrs , if the rain occurs ; it remains effective , does not re-spray
- Broadspectrum in weed control , spraying for rice in the 7-21 days period after sowing , at an usage dose of 0.5 -0,6 L / ha, later spray also can be done to kill big grown Echinochloa sp ( weed has over 7 leaves ) with dose 0,8 L / ha (ie diluting 40ml / 16 -liter- water tank , spray 02 tanks per 1000m2 .
Let weeds die well , farmers should pay attention to perform :
- Field must be drained off water but has sufficient moisture . If the field has water, must drain it out , let stems and leaves be dry about 20 minutes then spray . After spray 1-3 days , irrigate field about 2/3 the height of rice plant and retain water constantly as many days as possible, 4-5 days at least, can be combined with the first top dressing for rice plant .
There is a lot of weeds in the rice field , or the places with densely grown rice that cover weeds , it should brush nozzle carefully, spray slowly so that product is more exposed to the stems and leaves of weeds.
-Product has a less effectiveness in weed controlling when the weather is cold . Do not spray when the temperature falls below 16 oC . Chiem xuan rice crop is planted in the cold weather ( Note : Chiem xuan crop is called in dialect in the North , planting duration occurs yearly between 10 th and 20 th/ February ) , usage dose must be increased from 5ml - 10ml for each tank compared with recommended dose
As for upland rice, dry sowed rice along the mountain slope, plain . Spray product when soil has sufficient moisture ( footprints left when stepping on). In case of dry soil and insufficient moisture , wait for the heavy rain then spray, if later spray , usage dose must be higher than recommended one
• If there is a lot of Cyperus sp , Cyperus difformis , Fimbristylis maliacea in the previous crop , low-lying sites with water on the field , It should mix Pyanchor 5EC with Star 10WP or Beron 10WP or Zico 720 SL. When mixing 02 kinds of herbicides, using the lowest usage dose of each on the label for mixing.
Please note, farmers should carefully read the instructions on the product packaging to apply.
Wish all farmer producing a bumper Winter-Spring rice crop, getting a high price.
MSc Ky Van Ngot