(Dec 17, 2013)
For weed control, there are measures but chemical use is still the optimal method as weed
control ability of product is thorough, reduces labor and saves time than weeding by hand.
As for corn , killing weeds in the early stage when weed seeds have just peeped out ,
germinated , or given new leaves , this thing is extremely important in creating the conditions for
good growth and development of corn later . Mizin 80 WP is researched , produced ,
distributed by Saigon Plant Protection Joint Stock Company and to meet the above requirements.
The prominent features of Mizin 80WP product are :
-Eliminating effectively several kinds of weeds that belong to grass weeds and annual
broadleaf weeds grown from seeds such as Echinochloa sp , Leptochloa sp , Eleusine indica ,
Eragrostis tenella , Dactyloctenium aegyptium , Amaranthus spinosus , Portulaca albiflora , Eupatorium odoratum etc …
- Weed eliminating substance in Mizin is Atrazin having strong inner attraction , penetrating into
weeds through leaves, roots, and buds , so weed killing effectiveness is very high and safe for plants .
Weed killing impact Mizin at both stages: pre-and early post- emergence
( spray before or after weeds grow. When weed seeds have just peeped out and grown 1-3 leaves
-In addition to eliminating weeds for corn fields, Mizin also be used for weed control on the fields of sugar cane and pineapple
About using technique :
-As for corn : spray product immediately after sowing 1-2 days or corn grows 20-30 cm tall,
when weeds have just grown little 1-3 leaves. Dilute 20-35g for 8-litre water tank . Spray 5-6 tanks per 1000 m2.
-As for sugar cane : spray immediately after the cuttings being placed or when weeds have grown little 1-3 leaves.
Dilute 60-80g for 8-litre water tank. Spray 5-6 tanks per 1000 m2.
- Besides , Mizin also is used for weed control on the pineapple field , spray immediately after planting to 3 days later,
when weeds do not yet grow or have grown little 1-3 leaves .
Some points need to note:
If spraying late , high dose is applied
-The soil must have enough humidity when spraying , if the soil is dry, it needs to be damped then spray.
- Avoid product drift on susceptible plants such as rice, vegetables, soy beans , peanuts, mung beans, jute, potato.
All farmers please note that before spray , farmers should carefully read the instructions mentioned on the product packaging to apply .
Wishing all of you to reach a bumper corn crop at high price .
M.Sc Ky Van Ngot